Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Django Unchained" - brilliant acting and more

Although the movie is in the cinemas worldwide for some time now, and I've seen it around 3 weeks ago too, it is finally time to discuss it, briefly at least, before everyone's eyes are turned to Berlin next week.
Quentin Tarantino remains one of my favorite directors ever for his wit, extravagant ideas, mixing all the genras together, and the attachment to detail. Above all, I like his scripts and music he chooses. He doesn't have to ask anyone for their opinion now, unlike in the beginnings of his career. With the premieres of "Reservoir Dogs," "Pulp Fiction," "True Romance" (script) and "Inglorious Basterds" he himself is able to decide on the terms of cooperation. And you can see it all in "Django Unchained." Although there were people in Hollywood who protested Tarantino approaching the topic of slavery (Spike Lee) he did it his own way. He told the story of a certain slave (Jamie Foxx) who had more brains than most of his masters, and a certain German dentist (recklessly played by an Austrian Christoph Waltz) who becomes a bounty hunter. His adventures lead them to a slave owner (Leonardo DiCaprio) who owns Broomhilda, Django's wife. There will be blood, as classics say.
The story is intriguing and witty. Main characters played with bravado and intelligence, exceptional Tarantino's discovery - Christoph Waltz makes a wonderful appearance, same goes for DiCaprio. If one should like to choose between Tarantino's two last films, it would be my recommendation to start with "Django Unchained" and then the "Basterds", but in my opinion the latter is still a wee bit better.
All in all, Quentin Tarantino keeps in shape, he rediscovers US history with a twist. Worth seeing!


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