Friday, January 11, 2013

Bakery: Cheesecake with Peaches

This time something relatively sweet and delicate. Perfect for a party or casual family meeting. Easy and relatively quick to make, delicious and soft. Out of the proportions from the recipe I used (available in Polish here, in English it might be something like this, but one has to bear in mind that the cheese I use is curd cheese, which is different from cream cheese. Also the recipe in English is without the upper topping, which I made). The preparation of cheesecake layers in short goes like this: crust, cheese, peaches (sliced), soft meringue (made with egg whites and sugar), and upper crust. Baked for 1 hour, it is a delicious all-time favorite dessert. Enjoy!

 Lower crust ready for curd cheese layer, peaches and meringue on top

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