Thursday, November 29, 2012

New York's Most Important Living Writers

Cultural News and Critique FLAVORWIRE has published a list of 100 New York's Most Important Living Writers. When one realizes that New York became the centre of the world some time ago already, the conclusions are rather simple. One is for sure: the most creative and influential intellectuals are in the complex process of creation in this special city that never sleeps. Plus, if you can make it there, you can make it everywhere, as one wise man named Sinatra once sang. Here is my subjective excerpt from the list.

39. Malcolm Gladwell
Staff writer for The New Yorker, an academic, public speaker.
"The Tipping Point," "Blink," "Outliers," "What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures."

28. Michael Cunningham 
Writer, screenwriter, professor of creative writing at Yale.
Novels: "Golden States," "A Home at the End of the World," "The Hours," "Specimen Days," "By Nightfall," Screenplays: "A Home at the End of the World," "Evening."

26. Jonathan Safran Foer
Writer, essayist
Novels: "Everything is Illuminated," "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," "Tree of Codes," "Escape from Children;s Hospital" (2014).
 Malcolm Gladwell
 Michael Cunningham
Jonathan Safran Foer

21. Patti Smith
Singer, songwriter, writer, poet, visual artist
Works: studio albums: "Horses," "Radio Ethiopia," "Easter," "Wave," "Dream of Life," "Gone Again," "Peace and Noise," "Gung Ho," "Trampin'," "Twelve," "Bonga."
Books: "Seventh Heaven," "Early Morning Dream," "Witt," "Ha!Ha! Houdini!," "Babel," "Woolgathering," "Early Work," "The Coral Sea," "Strange Messanger," "Auguries of Innocence," "Just Kids."

 20. E.L. Doctorow
Novelist, playwright, academic.
Selected works: "Welcome to Hard Times," "Big as Life," "The Book of Daniel," "Ragtime," "Billy Bathgate," "The March," "Homer & Langley."

16. Jhumpa Lahiri
Novelist, academic.
Works: Novels: "The Namesake," short stories: "Interpreter of Maladies," "Unaccustomed Earth."

Patti Smith
E.L. Doctorow and Jhumpa Lahiri
15. Paul Auster
Writer, poet, essayist.
Selected works: "The New York Trilogy," "City of Glass," "Ghosts," "The Locked Room," "In the Country of Last Things," "Auggie Wren's Christmas Story," "Mr. Vertigo," "The Book of Illusions," "Man in the Dark," "Invisible."

10. Tony Kushner
Playwright, screenwriter.
Selected works: "Angels in America," "Munich," "Lincoln."

9. Zadie Smith
Selected works: "White Teeth," "The Autograph Man," "On Beauty."
 Paul Auster
 Tony Kushner
Zadie Smith
8. Jonathan Franzen
Writer, essayist.
Selected works: "The Corrections," "Freedom."

6. Don DeLillo
Writer, essayist, playwright.
Selected works: "Americana," "End Zone," "Running Dog," "The Names," "White Noise," "Libra," "Cosmopolis, "Falling Man," "Point Omega."

5. Thomas Pynchon
Selected works: "V.," "The Crying of Lot 49," "Gravity's Rainbow," "Vineland," "Mason & Dixon," "Against the Day."
Jonathan Franzen
 Don DeLillo
 Thomas Pynchon, who does not appear publicly
4. Salman Rushdie
Writer, essayist.
Selected works: "Midnight's Children," "Shame," "The Satanic Verses," "Fury," "The Enchantress of Florence."

3. Martin Amis
Selected works: "The Rachel papers," "Dead Babies," "Success," "Other People," "Money," "Night Train," "The Pregnant Widow."

2. Joan Didion
Novelist, literary journalist.
Selected works: "Run, River," "Play It as It Lays," "A Book of Common Prayer," "Democracy," "The Last Thing He Wanted."
 Salman Rushdie
 Martin Amis
Joan Didion
1. Philip Roth
Selected works: "Goodbye, Columbus," "Portnoy's Complaint," "The Great American Novel," "The Professor of Desire," "The Ghost Writer," "The Anatomy Lesson," "American Pastoral," "I Married a Communist," "The Human Stain," "Plot Against America," "Nemesis."
 Philip Roth in 1968.


  1. as i assume it is your choice of fav writers out of the 100? what about Alice Munro? is she listed there? im on 586 page of Franzen's Freedom, only 120 to go and i have to say that i totally love it! in my wildest dreams i would not expect to be so sucked into this novel! highly recommended to all americanists as it greatly outlines contemporary world linking it with america of its early days.

    1. Yes, the choice listed in the post is very subjective, but quite representative, I think. It's a list of influential writers currently living in New York City. Alice Munro is from Canada, but although I tried to find out, I couldn't find information about where is she based now.

    2. Also, I love the enthusiasm for Franzen! I enjoy his books very much as well! :)
