Wednesday, November 21, 2012

After American Film Festival

The 3rd edition of American Film Festival in Wroclaw is now over. It has been a magnificent celebration of mostly independent cinema, which you wouldn't be able to see on the big screen anywhere else, except maybe for Deauville.
Deauville American Film Festival was established in 1975, and of course for many years it has been the only festival in Europe celebrating American cinema (not blockbuster hits). In the last years that festival has gathered  lots of American film stars (George Clooney, Sharon Stone, Gregory Peck, Robert De Niro, Clint Eastwood, Brad Pitt, Francis Ford Coppola), also because, let's face it, it's France, and it's the coast. Our Polish festival in Wroclaw has not yet gathered so much attention, also because it's just the third year of its existence, but notable personalities have however arrived.
The Independent Spirit Award went to Jerry Schatzberg, a director and photographer, known for "Panic in the Needle Park" or "Scarecrow." This year, I've seen 17 movies at the festival within 3,5 days, including two older pictures by Wes Anderson, whose retrospective could also be seen.
Below is my subjective Top 5 of the features as well as Top 3 greatest documentaries I saw. It should be however noted, that I have not seen the winners neither of the feature ("Safety Not Guaranteed") nor documentary ("How to Survive the Plague") competition. Perhaps I will some other time.


5. Arcadia
Why should you see it:
  • For John Hawkes, called recently "Sundance-regular," for his notable appearances in "Winter's Bone," "Martha Marcy May Marlene," "My and You and Everyone We Know," "The Sessions," "The Perfect Storm" and Ryan Simpkins, his teenage rebellious daughter Greta.
  • Because it was awarded Crystal Bear for Best Feature Film in the Berlin Film Festival section Generation.
  • A good review of the film can be read in Hollywood Reporter.
           John Hawkes (in "The Sessions" - right)

4. Richard's Wedding
Why should you see it:
  • Set in New York City, an ensemble comedy resembling a little Woody Allen's neurotic sense of humor.
  • A really cool, unpretentious cast of people you probably never saw.
  • David DeWitt from the New York Times wrote: "A slice of John Cassavetes, John Sayles and Richard Linklater life... The film's DIY ethos has a heart," and Time Out New York said "It's fresh and funny." Sounds like a good recommendation. See the official website.
3. Save the Date

Why should you see it:
  • It has a wonderful cast including Lizzy Caplan ("Mean Girls," "Hot Tub Time Machine," "Bachelorette," "True Blood"), Alison Brie ("Mad Men"), Mark Webber ("People I Know," "Broken Flowers," "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World," "The End of Love") and Geoffrey Arend ("(500) Days of Summer," "Garden State," "
  • It won the Achievement Award in Newport Beach Film Festival 2012 and was nominated for Sundance Grand Jury Prize.
  • A decent review, if you want more recommendation, can be read here.
Lizzy Caplan and Mark Webber 
The director Michael Mohan

2. Lawless
Why should you see it:
  • It has Tom Hardy in it! (...)
  • It was written by Nick Cave (watch the film carefully as you might miss his tiny cameo!).
  • A whole bunch of great actors are there, including Gary Oldman, perfect as a merciless gangster,  Jessica Chastain, Mia Wasikowska and Shia LeBeouf (a really wonderful role, haven't expected him being actually good, but loved it!).
  • Atmosphere of the prohibition times, cruelty, violence, illegal production, all's there.
Tom Hardy and Jessica Chastain 
Gary Oldman 
Nick Cave
1. Jeff, Who Lives at Home
Why should you see it:
  • It's directed by the Duplass Brothers and has Jason Segel, Susan Sarandon, Ed Helms and Judy Greer.
  • Roger Ebert wrote, that it's "a whimsical comedy, that depends on the warmth of Segel and Sarandon, the discontent of Helms and Greer." "It's not a Feel Good Movie, more of a Feel Sorta Good Movie."
  • More from The Hollywood Reporter and on Chicago Sun Times' website.
Jason Segel 
Susan Sarandon 
The Duplass Brothers  (Mark and Jay)


3. Wonder Women: the Untold Story of American Superheroines
Why should you see it:
  • It's just really really well documented.
  • Has lots of personal stories, a historical look of the development of the superheroine with the background of Great American History.
  • Official Website and a review.
  • It answers your questions about why most superheroes are men and what does it have to do with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Thelma and Louise." Powerful stuff.
Lynda Carter from the TV series "Wonder Woman" 

2. West of Memphis

Why should you see it:
  • It's one of very few documentaries that actually make you cry out of helplessness and the weakness of judicial systems.
  • It's produced by Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh. It has Eddie Vedder and Johnny Depp in it.
  • It's one of the most visible and powerful examples of how capital punishment is wrong and how can you make easy judgements based on popular beliefs and appearances. Beware of Metallica t-shirts if you don't want to be taken for a satanic cult member!
  • There are three shorter HBO documentaries on the subject, all of them a real treat.  
  • More here and on Huffington Post.
  • The whole story about the West Memphis Three can be read there.
Johnny Depp and Damien Echols, one of the West Memphis Three.
Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam), one of the greatest supporters of the West Memphis Three and Damien Echols in Court after his release from prison.
Jail shots from 1993, when the West Memphis Three were accused of a triple murder.

 1. Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope 
Why should you see it:
  • It's directed by Morgan Spurlock ("Super Size Me").
  • Lots of famous actors who turn out to be super-geeks talk about their favorite pasttime, which has nothing to do with movies they are in or make. Examples: Kevin Smith, Eli Roth, Seth Green, Olivia Wilde, Kenneth Branagh, Seth Rogen, Guillermo Del Toro.
  • It's made of passion and for true aficionados.
  • Makes you really want to go to San Diego for the Comic Con.
  • The choice of main protagonists of the documentary must have been a really difficult and complex job, but the director (and his volunteers, if he had any) made it really work perfectly well!
  • Official Website.
Morgan Spurlock, the director, on the left 

From the right: Morgan Spurlock, Joss Whedon (writer of "Buffy," "Avengers," "Atlantis"), Stan Lee, a legend, co-creator of "X-Men," "Hulk," "Spider-Man," "Fantastic Four," "Iron Man," "Thor."

Comic book seller and aficionado.

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