Friday, November 9, 2012

"Aftermath" - "Pokłosie" controversial thriller made in Poland

We have waited for this film for sever long years. The producers gathered money and sponsors, donations were welcome, all because this is a film that raises controversy. It shows Polish villagers in an extremely bad light, as being responsible for the carnage of hundreds of Jewish people during WWII. Lots of people didn't want this movie to happen. But, fortunately, they were so very wrong. The film is good. Perhaps very good, due to wonderful cinematography by brilliant Pawel Edelman, and production designer Allan Starski (one of the very few Oscar winners, for "Schindler's List"). Above all however, two main protagonists take our breath away, when they are on: Maciej Stuhr and Ireneusz Czop. Truly magnificent performances!
For my review of the film, from go.

Robert Rogalski, Maciej Stuhr, Ireneusz Czop


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