Saturday, November 3, 2012

European Film Awards nominations

On November 3rd, the European Film Academy has announced the nominees for the annual prize - the European Film Award. This year the ceremony will take place in Malta, and it will be quite a show - the 25th anniversary, watch out on December 1st, 2012!
Good news for all the cinema goers on the Old Continent - European cinema might have never been better.
Have a look at the best of the best in main categories. Especially the "Best Film" might be a hard nut. Personally, I can't really say. I haven't yet seen "Jagten" and really hope for the best. BUT the harder it get, the better for European cinema. Notice that each film comes from a different country and each of them is really good, although perhaps in different genres. And not all in English at last. Too bad there wasn't any Polish film worth a nod this time.

Best European Film 2012

"AMOUR" dir. Michael Haneke
"BARBARA" dir. Christian Petzold
"CESARE DEVE MORIRE" dir. Paolo & Vittorio Taviani
"INTOUCHABLES" dir. Oliver Nakache & Eric Toledano
"JAGTEN" dir. Thomas Vinterberg
"SHAME" dir. Steve McQueen

Best European Director

Nuri Bilge CEYLAN for "Once upon a time in Anatolia"
Michael HANEKE for "Amour"
Steve MCQUEEN for "Shame"
Paolo and Vittorio TAVIANI for "Cesare deve morire"
Thomas VINTERBERG for "The Hunt"

(from left to right: Haneke, Ceylan, McQueen, the Taviani Brothers, Vinterberg)

Best European Actress 2012

Emilie DEQUENNE in "Our Children"
Nina HOSS in "Barbara"
Emmanuelle RIVA in "Amour"
Margarethe TIESEL in "Paradise: Love"
Kate WINSLET in "Carnage"

Best European Actor 2012

Francois CLUZET & Omar SY in "Intouchables"
Michael FASSBENDER in "Shame"
Mads MIKKELSEN in "The Hunt"
Gary OLDMAN in "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"
Jean-Louis TRINTIGNANT in "Amour"

Best European Screenwriter 2012

Michael HANEKE for "Amour"
Tobias LINDHOLM and Thomas VINTERBERG for "The Hunt"
Cristian MUNGIU for "Beyond the Hills"
Olivier Nakache & Eric Toledano for "Untouchables"
Roman Polanski & Yasmina Reza for "Carnage"

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