Monday, November 5, 2012

Bakery: Walnut Buns

And here it is, another recipe with walnuts and yeast dough. My family loves such a combination and I don't mind making it, so let it be. The form of buns can be different, depends on your creativity and mood, same goes with the filling. Walnuts can be replaced with any type of nuts, or  sweet cottage cheese, jams, popy-seed, anything, pretty much. The filling is easy to make, the most time-consuming thing to do is crushing the nuts, but with a good nutcracker and blender, it takes no more than 20 minutes. Also, as usually with yeast dough - it takes some time for it to double its size. But that's also manageable. So, with the step-by-step photos it should also be a little easier. The recipe, from a most-beloved Polish website (Dorota advises to make hearts, although it's also quite easy, the buns are rather big after baking, and I thought of something smaller, hence twirls). The recipe for the yeast dough in English here and for the nut filling here. Enjoy!

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