Friday, November 9, 2012

Divine Marilyn's photos on auction in Warsaw

Just two days ago, on November 7th, 2012 a very unique event on a grand scale of things took place in Warsaw's one of the auction houses (Desa Unicum). A set of 250 photographs taken by Milton Greene went on auction, and on the majority of the photos, there was Marilyn Monroe. Such a treat! The auction was possible only due to a huge hoax from the 1990s, but nevertheless the interest was huge! The original prices ranged from 500 PLN (around 130 euro) to as much as a few thousand, but the most expensive photograph turned out to be the one in which Marilyn wears a too-tight ballerina dress (60.000 PLN, around  15.000 euro). On the photographs there was not only Marilyn, but also Marlene Dietrich, Gene Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Sinatra, and many more. Most of them were taken in early 1950s, when Marilyn was at her very very best.

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