Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Raspberry Buttermilk Cake

Since you still can get some fresh raspberries (the frozen ones are just not right, are they?) it's possibly one of the best ideas to bake a cake with them! The recipe I enclose is extremely easy, you practically don't have to buy anything, or not much, to make it, plus it's really quick.
For Polish version of the recipe: Ciasto z malinami na maślance
and for English one: Raspberry Buttermilk Cake

Nobel Prize in Literature

Don't worry, there is nothing yet I know that you don't. I mean, the names are not yet announced, but will be, and soon - the beginning of October.
But, as I read through the names of previous Winners, some thoughts struck me immediately. For instance, the first ever Nobel Prize in Literature was given to a French in 1901, Sully Prudhomme; the Norwegians have received three prizes and the Swedish - seven (the last Swede to be awarded was last year's Tomas Transtromer). Of course, it doesn't have anything to do with nationality. The Polish have received the Prize five times altogether, if one counts the Prizes for Isaac Beshevis Singer in 1978 (he was already since 1943 a US citizen) and Czeslaw Milosz in 1980 (since 1970 he was a US citizen). For several years now the Prize has raised controversies, because the winners were never the ones that everyone betted on. Perhaps except for Mario Vargas Llosa in 2010, an extremely popular author. Judging by nationalities again it seems that the possible winners this year are American (they haven't won since 1993 - Toni Morrison) or maybe Polish? We'll see. Philip Roth? Joyce Carol Oates? Amos Oz? Margaret Atwood? Or perhaps Haruki Murakami or Adam Zagajewski?

Angel's Share

The new film directed by Ken Loach premiered in Cannes 2012, winning a Jury Prize, which certainly marked a good opening. Pretty soon, I'm sure, it will be hailed the new "Once," "Trainspotting," "Billy Elliott," "Full Monty," what have you, just because the actors mumble Scottish English, are lower class, drink and beat each other up, and somehow everything ends up rather well. It a real feel-good movie, without the mistake of too much pathos and sympathy, the main heroes of the story are flesh-and-blood and one really enjoys watching their adventures in the real world. This is a really good film. Seriously, one of the best this year, although the plot is simple, and you have an idea of how it ends from the beginning. Unpretentious, true,  nice. Soon, there will be my full-length review, but meanwhile, check out the poster and pics.
Polish premiere is scheduled for October 19th 2012 (Best Film).
Update: my review can be found here: Angels' Share on

Emmy 2012 Winners & Losers

This year's Emmy awards have already found new owners, and some say that they are not surprised at all by the look of the winners' list. To me it however comes as a surprise that neither "Mad Men" nor "Game of Thrones" won anything, although those two shows were hailed as "the very best of the best" from the day of their premieres. Maybe that's because I haven't seen "Homeland" yet. For the second year in the run, one of the best American drama series. But, the award for Maggie Smith for her role in "Downton Abbey" should be enjoyed, an award well deserved. A good thing, that at least "Modern Family" left the glitz of Emmys with a nod, it wouldn't make any sense if it were different.
Since the outcome of the ceremony could be disappointing for some, at least have a quick look at the most glamorous outfits that the stars and celebrities sported for the night. It seems that bright yellow is so very on!
Winners of Emmys 2012 from L.A. Times

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Let's celebrate The Beatles together

It's over 50 years now since The Beatles have started playing, actually August 16th, 2012 marks the exact 50 years since Ringo Starr replaced Pete Best as a drummer and the adventure began. No band has ever sold more records, and the tunes they came up with are equally popular now, than they were then. The celebrations are absolutely in place, although various things happened to the legacy of The Beatles over the years. For now however, let's just remember The Beatles as they were in the 1960s, young, happy, full of joy and ideas, but most of all - four great friends from Liverpool. The symbols of their times, meeting the most important people in the world, influencing millions of fans, sporting styles, that come back every now and then.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Game of Thrones season 3 premiere...

... is scheduled for March 31st, 2013. That means a long wait, but I'm sure it'll be worth it! There will be over thirteen new characters, with Ciaran Hinds, Thomas Brodie (the little Liam Neeson's kid in "Love Actually," but he's kind of grown up now), Tobias Menzies (Brutus from "Rome") and Mackenzie Crook (hard to forget after "Pirates of the Caribbean).
Game of Thrones Season 3 News

Wild Blueberry Buns (Jagodzianki)

One of the most challenging recipes, but the effect - better than expected. It's nice to put some good music on while making them, like ekhm, for instance Coldplay "Viva la Vida!" Careful with the dough, the rest is a piece of cake, literally...
For a Polish recipe, go to: Jagodzianki!
and English, although I didn't check it out myself: Wild Blueberry Buns

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Paul Newman - Icon of Style

While browsing through old photos af Paul Newman in search of the ones taken by Dennis Hopper (see "Diane Arbus and Dennis Hopper" post), it struck me, how stylish Paul Newman really was. Well, he has always been one of my favorite actors, no matter his age, but this time, have a look at his clothes and accesories! And his films are just another great story to tell, next time!

Diane Arbus and Dennis Hopper

Diane Arbus, a great American photographer and writer, took her pictures mostly in black and white, and usually her subjects were people different from "normal." She liked watching dwarfs, transgender people, nudists in various locations, and so her photos are extremely interesting not only from a historical or cultural perspective. The exhibition of her most famous works has been collected and shown in Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin, from June, until the end of September 2012. A magnificent set!
But it also seems that at Martin Gropius Bau they already have another great event coming, since on September 20th they launch "Dennis Hopper: The Lost Album," "a spectacular portfolio of over four hundred vintage photographs taken by Dennis Hopper (1936-2010) in the 1960s."
This sounds like a treat! It will be open until the end of December 2012.


     Diane Arbus in Martin Gropius Bau                            Dennis Hopper in Martin Gropius Bau

A Royal Affair

This magnificent Danish historical drama, directed by Nikolaj Arcel is a defnite must see! It premiered on February 16th 2012 in Berlin, during Berlinale, and it took the festival by storm! The screenplay and Mikkel Boe Folsgaard were awarded with Silver Bears, and the distribution rights have been sold to many countries. About the premiere I already wrote in the post about Mads Mikkelsen, so check it out if you like, and here you can read my review in Polish (posted also before in post entitled "About Mads"): "Kochanek królowej" stopklatka and in English, below the poster from the movie.

Best of... male acts

I recently found these three curious compilations of most wonderful male actors and thought it would be a shame not to post. Such collages have a tendency to be liked by some... So enjoy!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield

One of nicest couples in Hollywood, met while filming "The Amazing Spiderman" directed by Marc Webb ("500 Days of Summer"). The movie itself - one of the best of the genre, a refreshing gust of air after watching the pains of Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst in the previous parts.
Before you check it out, see how cool a couple Stone and Garfield are!

Boski romans ("A Divine Romance")

There is a great new stage that opened in Warsaw, called Teatr Konsekwentny. It exists for 15 years now, but since March 2012 they are located in former vodka manufacture Koneser in the old Praga (Wytwórnia Wódek Koneser). The place has its wonderful atmosphere and it's just perfect for a new stage. Praga is still alive and rocking! The play, "A Divine Romance" is one of the best of the season, mostly due to great lines and cast. All falls into place. Also, the set design, although frugal, is really impressive. What is it about? You'd be surprised - it's about advertising a new bank in those times of crisis, called "Holy Bank." A new copywriter is supposed to advertise it in an easy, approachable way, and to do so, he has to do field research at church... but he's apparently an atheist. An argument with a former nun changes his views quite abruptly.
The play is extremely well written, there are lots of links to the current economic situation and the values in the society. It's witty, charming, important and funny. And it has Andrzej Konopka in the lead, with great Agnieszka Przepiórska and Eliza Borowska.Written and directed by Michał Walczak.
Highly recommended!
Teatr Konsekwentny

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The World According to Garp

It's been ages since I last read this book, but since the autumn is rapidly approaching, it's time to do so. John Irving marvelously describes the New England picturesque landscapes and the characters are just extraordinary. If you'd like to know more, scroll down for a review in Polish, or just have a look at some pics from the movie. John Lithgow as Roberta Muldoon is exquisite. Robin Williams as Garp - simply perfect. John Irving co-wrote the script, so it has the touch. Both - the book and the movie, recommended! 

There is room for Gangnam here

Definitely not my cuppa tea, but this guy actually does some show! And I know this and that when it comes to festivals, and it really looks amazing on the clip! Will not learn the dance though, no way. BUT there is a special someone who tried hard to learn how to do the Gangman style, and it was on Ellen. Check it out after you see PSY for yourself.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Jane Eyre

No,  no - there is no new film adaptation of the classic "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte, don't worry. I just reminded myself of how great the book is. In the last years, there actually were three (sic!) wonderful film adaptations, one from 1996 directed by Franco Zefirelli, with Charlotte Gainsbourg, William Hurt and Anna Paquin, a TV mini-series with Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens (2006) and the latest, Cary Fukunaga's from 2011 - with Michael Fassbender, Mia Wasikowska, Jamie Bell, Judi Dench and Sally Hawkins. Can't decide which I like most, but since Fassi is in the last one, the choice is simple.
Here you can read my review of the book in Polish: "Dziwne losy Jane Eyre",
and see which couple you like best:

Adele sings "Skyfall"

It turns out that Adele is going to perform the theme song for the next Bond-flick "Skyfall." That's good news. So many great names on the set had to have the right entree. So, until we wait for the premieres of both song and film, let's have a read of the latest gossip on the subject.
Stay tuned!

Adele will sing "Skyfall"

Bakery: Apple-and-Poppy Cake

If you crave for something new, and have some ground poppy seed ready (not a very typical thing, I should think), prepare a delicious cake with a twist. The recipe can be found here, in Polish: Tort makowo - jabłkowy, in English: Apple and poppy seed cake.

The Killers

Now, all of you might possibly have heard of the band called The Killers. They're from Las Vegas and are currently on tour as well. This has to do with their new album, which I haven't heard yet, but the critics say it's rather average. But those guys are too cool to be just average, so listen to it anyway. Brandon Flowers is totally worth it! Meanwhile, they're rocking several big festivals this summer, with Polish Coke Live Music in Cracow (August 2012). Well, I now start to think they must just like Cracow, here they also performed in 2009 (CLMF as well) and I first saw them when they supported U2 in 2005 in Chorzow (Southern Poland). That was a hell of a support! This time however, I have some pics and videos from Berlin Festival 2012, which they headlined (September 7th, 2012). Enjoy!
(Forgive the quality, it was made with my mobile, BUT thanks to it you can actually feel the atmosphere of the gig!)

Emmy 2012

The Emmys are almost here, there will be two award ceremonies, one on September 15th 2012 - technical categories, the other, vanity fair, gowns and famous people - on September 23rd 2012. Watch out for the winners in Best Drama, nominees include "Mad Men," "Downton Abbey," "Boardwalk Empire," "Game of Thrones," "Breaking Bad" and "Homeland"... Tough choice, I couldn't decide. Best comedy should be a bit easier, I would vote for "Modern Family" and "Big Bang Theory."
For more info and nominees check out (in Polish):
Nagrody Emmy 2012, and Hollywood Reporter prepared a whole separate website on Emmys: Emmys 2012.

Of Monsters and Men

Icelandic music is doing really good. It's not only Sigur Rós anymore, not even Bjork. "Of Monsters and Men" have won an Icelandic competition called Musiktilraunir in 2010, and now they already have a great album - "My Head is an Animal," which premiered on April 3, 2012, and their calendar is full of concert dates. Keep up the great job!
The music is sort of folk-ish, but with lovely rocking sound and catchy tunes. Let me present their most famous song so far, which allowed them to seal the deal with Universal, "Little Talks." "Of Monsters and Men" was the first act at Berlin Music Festival Main Stage (September 6th, 2012).

Bakery: French Apple Pockets

Sometimes you just feel like you needed a good Apfeltasche, or, what we in Poland call "rożek francuski." Whatever the name, it's extremely tasty, and the recipe comes from here Rożki francuskie.
Oddly enough, I couldn't find the recipe in English, don't the people around the world know the taste of these goodies? Don't believe it!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Django Django

I just found out about the band, at Berlin Festival 2012 (September 7th and 8th). Django Django are from Edinburgh and is formed by David Maclean, Vincent Neff, Jimmy Dixon, Tommy Grace. One of my friend said, that when they play, she could "hear the prairie." That might have something to do with original instruments they use. Anyway, in the end, I could really "hear the prairie." So good job there, boys. I'm also writing about them for two more reasons, at least. One is that there is a cool article about them on L.A. Times (September 12th issue) and also, they are on tour currently. So there's still time to get familiarized if you didn't have a chance so far! Let's hear the prairie together!

Oh, I forgot to mention that they have matching concert T-Shirts and actually look like a band.


Now, I generally don't listen to German music (well, it stems from my troubled childhood, when the biggest hit was "Eins, Zwei, Polizei," never got over it), but this music rocks! A mixture of indie rock and rap straight from German Chemnitz from five great guys! The band was established in 2009, so it's relatively new, and they already have their symbol and pieces of clothing they wear at gigs (red thin suspenders and white polos). Well done, boys. Felix Kummer sings and does the show, and he is pretty damn good at it. Watch out, once they leave Germany, they might be unstoppable! 
(I hear they are on tour in Colombia - why the hell just there, why not conquer, say, Brazil?)
Their debut album from 2012 is called "Mit K," and there are also two EPs, 2010's "Adonis Maximus" - how subtle..., and 2012's "Live im Astra Berlin." It's really worth to see them live.

Richard Armitage and a Blockbuster Hit

Richard Armitage has so far been mostly known from "North and South" (John Thornton - ahhhh!), British MI-5 drama "Spooks," his role in a TV show "Robin Hood" (Guy of Gisborne), "Strike Back" (John Porter) - action and military TV series and maybe from the theater. OK, so he actually did some really cool things. But know he actually has a chance of going straight into the first league (and deservedly) with his role of Thorin Oakenshield in Peter Jackson's impatiently awaited trilogy "The Hobbit." So, when the first photos of Armitage as Oakenshield appeared online, I just had to share them!
The first part of "Hobbit," called "An Unexpected Journey," will have its premiere in the US on December 14th, and in Poland on December 28th.

New Bond, Ralph Fiennes and blondish Bardem

Yesterday the news was spread, that the public in the UK can already book their tickets for the new Bond movie called "Skyfall". Well, the premiere is scheduled for October (!) 26th, so still over six more weeks to go. Marketing works. Meanwhile, some new US posters were published, here you are.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Oh how lovely this film is! Until I actually sat in the dark of the Helios Nowe Horyzonty cinema (host of T-Mobile Nowe Horyzonty Festival), I didn't know what to expect. OK, it won Sundance and got several nods in Cannes, but I've witnessed lots of mistakes made with many awards. But this time, it was different. So fresh and original, a modern fairy-tale with lovely lovely characters. Quvenzhané Wallis (born in 2003!) is exceptional, can't wait to see what will she become in the future! And to think that the film is a full-length debut of Benh Zeitlin... Highly recommended!
(Polish premiere October 12th 2012, world premiere July 19th 2012)

check my review to the film (in Polish) here: Bestie z Ameryki, stopklatka, in English below the trailer, a great review from The New York Times here: Review in the NYT, and
an official trailer!

About Mads

The last months have been a festival of Mads Mikkelsen. Several films have had their premieres, more still to come. I'm particularly waiting for "Jagten," but meanwhile, watch out for "En Kongelig Affære" - "A Royal Affair" (Polish premiere September 21, world premiere at Berlinale 2012, February 16th 2012) or simply rewatch "Valhalla Rising," directed by the wonderful Nicolas Winding Refn.
Mads Mikkelsen will surely be one of the leitmotifs on the blog, so watch out.

Also, if you know Polish,
check out my article on Super-Mads (below),
a review of "A Royal Affair," here: Księżniczka i medyk, stopklatka, and
a review of "Valhalla Rising," here: Powstanie Walhalla, stopklatka.

Keanu Reeves at Camerimage 2012

So it turns out that Keanu Reeves is coming to visit Bydgoszcz this year to show his film at Camerimage Festival (The International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography). He filmed "Side by Side" there two years ago and now he comes back with the results. Nice of him, isn't it? I've seen the film during Berlinale 2012 in February and it's really engaging, although the subject itself isn't the easiest. In "Side by Side" Reeves talks to various filmmakers and asks them about the evolution of film techniques. He interviews Steven Soderbergh, George Lucas, Martin Scorsese, and James Cameron, among many others.