Friday, September 14, 2012

Django Django

I just found out about the band, at Berlin Festival 2012 (September 7th and 8th). Django Django are from Edinburgh and is formed by David Maclean, Vincent Neff, Jimmy Dixon, Tommy Grace. One of my friend said, that when they play, she could "hear the prairie." That might have something to do with original instruments they use. Anyway, in the end, I could really "hear the prairie." So good job there, boys. I'm also writing about them for two more reasons, at least. One is that there is a cool article about them on L.A. Times (September 12th issue) and also, they are on tour currently. So there's still time to get familiarized if you didn't have a chance so far! Let's hear the prairie together!

Oh, I forgot to mention that they have matching concert T-Shirts and actually look like a band.,0,7588748.story

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