Monday, September 17, 2012

Boski romans ("A Divine Romance")

There is a great new stage that opened in Warsaw, called Teatr Konsekwentny. It exists for 15 years now, but since March 2012 they are located in former vodka manufacture Koneser in the old Praga (Wytwórnia Wódek Koneser). The place has its wonderful atmosphere and it's just perfect for a new stage. Praga is still alive and rocking! The play, "A Divine Romance" is one of the best of the season, mostly due to great lines and cast. All falls into place. Also, the set design, although frugal, is really impressive. What is it about? You'd be surprised - it's about advertising a new bank in those times of crisis, called "Holy Bank." A new copywriter is supposed to advertise it in an easy, approachable way, and to do so, he has to do field research at church... but he's apparently an atheist. An argument with a former nun changes his views quite abruptly.
The play is extremely well written, there are lots of links to the current economic situation and the values in the society. It's witty, charming, important and funny. And it has Andrzej Konopka in the lead, with great Agnieszka Przepiórska and Eliza Borowska.Written and directed by Michał Walczak.
Highly recommended!
Teatr Konsekwentny


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