Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bakery: Vanilla Cheesecake

This delicious cheesecake is also one of the easiest ones. Most of the ingredients only require mechanical activities, like blending or mixing. You don't need to separate egg whites from yolk, or beat the whites to make the cheese puffy. The cheese layer is rather liquid, due to the addition of double cream. But even if it is really liquid, after the baking process, it is as solid as any other cheesecake. One more remark, in the original recipe from Moje Wypieki there is just 450 g of curd cheese. That is far too little for my taste, and so I doubled the amount of all ingredients (remembering to double the baking time as well, it was about 1 hour 20 minutes). Also, because I don't have the required vanilla extract, I used sugar with real vanilla in it instead. It was perfect. English version of the recipe here by Jennie Shapter, who took it from Gordon Ramsay apparently - yay! Gordon's here!

 The biscuits are blended are ready 

 All the ingredients mixed together 

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