Wednesday, December 12, 2012

50 Best Movies of 2012 according to Total Film

Since the award-giving period is in full bloom and the end of the year is coming rather rapidly, the season of wrapping up 2012 has begun. Usually, it takes place in the form of top 10s, 50s, 100s and is a curious game of every respectable and less respectable newspaper, magazine of TV programme. Since Total Film is one of my favorite movie magazines, I decided to follow their Top 50, choosing the films we like both as much. Without giving the exact place, on which a movie is located. For the whole ranking made by Total Film go here, you won't be disappointed!

Martin McDonagh at his best, with star cast and a lovely plot.

Mumblecore aesthetics and the champions of the style: Lynn Shelton directing, Mark Duplass, Emily Blunt and Rosemarie DeWitt playing.
Tim Burton realising one of his early ideas with the newest technology and Burtonian style.

One of those films that served as Hollywood's response to whatever is happening with this financial crisis, if it really exists. Good acting, gripping plot, and Zachary Quinto in the lead, along with evil Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons. Demi Moore is there too, getting back in action.

A cartoon, but a charming one. The red hair of Merida the princess is more real than reality. Lovely.

This is a nice surprise in this flow of American movies. This Turkish feature is a very mysterious one, from the beginning until the gripping end.
Wes Anderson's latest feature is one of my favorites of the year. It is lovely shot, all the characteristics of Anderson's style are there. Someone had magnificent eye for casting. The choice of costumes, music, and setting is just perfect.
There are some critics that claim that this is just a mistake to call this movie one the best of the year. I tell them - no way. There weren't too many features this year that made me feel that many emotions, with this extremely touching music and the main actors, especially the exceptional little Ms. Wallis. Not to mention that this is actually Benh Zeitlin's debut.

Not really a surprise, not just because there's Brad Pitt in it. The story of casino gambling, dope and mafia could be just another ordinary one, but instead it tells a story of today's America far better than most of the movies this year did.
There was already a lot said about this film. So much, that I feel filled with the drama of the older couple and don't want to talk about it anymore. It's good, okay? Now give them the Oscar and let's be done with it!
Nobody expected such a huge success of the film! Such a cast, so many turns in the plot! Sam Mendes and the cast - you made my day (twice). One of the very best Bond movies ever. Definitely one the best this year.

Thanks to Tom Hardy - Bane, the film got a new face. Or... ekhm... half face. If it weren't for the lame ending, it might be in my Top 3 films of the year. With it, it is located somewhere in the first 10 best. Still a good result.
No doubt about it, Michael Fassbender has made the beginning of the year very awkward. A brilliant story, beautifully played, they are too good for an Oscar. Can't wait for the next Fassbender-McQueen movies.

This undoubtedly is the year of the Andersons. This time Paul Thomas Anderson, after a long wait since his last picture, "There will be blood" discovers the beginnings of a dangerous relationship and the consequences of people's choices. A masterful play with the mind. 

Some of the films included in the Total Film's List are not here, also because I haven't seen them yet. For instance "The Hobbit," "Silver Linings Playbook," "Argo," "Looper" or "The Life of Pi."

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