Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Berlinale 2013: Day 8

Almost the end, but not quite. More surpsrises, like the one caused by an almost absolute beginner: Emir Baigazin from Kazakhstan presented his "Harmony Lessons" that quickly became one of the best and most appraised films of the competition. Baigazin was one of the filmmakers to take part in the Berlinale Talent Campus a few years ago, so I guess the procedure of approving people for the programme actually work really well, "Harmony Lessons" is about a school somewhere in the rural part of Kazakhstan. These places are completely unknown for us, but the director seems to know them very well. The camera moves back and forth, leaving viewers in the state of anxiety throughout the whole movie, but it's a good kind of anxiety. After all, a very nice feature debut. Watch out for the young actors - the parts they had to play were very demanding and they played beautifully.

Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach of Frances Ha"

Later I finally managed to see "Prince Avalanche" by David Gordon Green that I waited pretty long for. The day before I went to the press conference but it turned out to be a rather bad idea as without seeing the film I was left with no options to ask questions about it. Too bad, because the film left me with some burning questions. Note to self: watch the movie before going to press conferences. Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch are in the movie, which I absolutely loved. Rudd is playing against his usual emploi that consists largely of stupid romantic comedies. But he actually really is a good actor! Hirsch is usually very good, and still very young and already is one of my favorite indie actors that are out there.
Dutch "Broken Circle Breakdown" is officially the most emotional movie of the festival. Felix van Groeningen did something magical in the movie, showing two very original charatcers who have finally fond each other and decided to create a family. Unfortunately they are not meant for eternal happiness and with a leathal illness of their little daughter everything changes. The film is filled with great bluegrass music, it's all absolutely lovely and not too much in terms of drama. Americans would make it an unbearable feast of pathos and cheap tears, but the Dutch and their widely unknown actors make magic on the screen.
Hope it reaches cinemas worldwide soon.
Shane Carruth and his "Upstream Color" I definitely didn't understand. I don't even try to, because I haven't seen his first movie and some critics say that it might be easier to understand those two movies together. Carruth might be hailed to "wonderchild" of Sundance but to my knowledge films nobody gets only rarely make money. Be that as it may, I am hoping to see the two films together and make a just and serious judgment. As for now, it was horribly pretentious. Wait till you see if I still hold on to this after second screening. Beware Carruthians! '
Oh and Day 8 was also when I met Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach, the creators of "Frances Ha" which I really liked. They keep cool, love New York and are/are not chaotic. Greta is really Great and Noah is artsy-newyorkish-as-you-like-it. Rumour has it they are a couple.

Full report in Polish: here


26. "Harmony Lessons"

Rating: ****1/2

27. "Prince Avalanche"

Rating: ****

28. "Broken Circle Breakdown"

Rating: *****
29. "Upstream Color"

Rating: ?

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