Thursday, March 28, 2013

Berlinale 2013: Day 10

The last day of Berlinale for me (because the festival took place also the next day, on February 17th) was a very sad one because it meant that I could only watch one movie, I had to depart already in the afternoon. So I chose a movie which I wouldn't probably see anywhere else. I picked "Hide Your Smiling Faces" that was shown in the Generation section, directed by Daniel Carbone. It is a very tender story of two boys who are faced with a great tragedy - one of his best friends commits suicide jumping off of a bridge and the boys are the ones who have found his body. They immediately find the father of the deceased responsible for the tragedy and start to make his life unbearable with childish pranks. But this is also the way for them to cope with this difficult situation. Wonderful settings, wild, mysterious places where the boys play and grieve their lost friend, it all makes perfect sense. Glad I chose it for the last bit of the Berlinale festival 2013. You should see it too. Incredible, how mature this movie is. Loved it!

34. "Hide Your Smiling Faces"

Rating: ****
More on the official website of the film.

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