(Polish premiere October 12th 2012, world premiere July 19th 2012)
check my review to the film (in Polish) here: Bestie z Ameryki, stopklatka, in English below the trailer, a great review from The New York Times here: Review in the NYT, and
an official trailer!
Beasts of America
The ease, charm and unpretentiousness, with which the six-year-old
Quvenzhané Wallis captured the audience playing little Hushpuppy in the film
"Beasts of the Southern Wild" is incredible. Such talent does not happen
often. A young, promising director Benh Zeitlin in his full-length debut
feature surprises many more times, not only with his casting choices. In fact,
those are all positive surprises. The screen beats with uncommon maturity and
truthfulness, despite the fact that the viewer is a witness to quite unusual
events, not to say - unreal. Zeitlin’s story, acting not only as a director,
but also a co-author of the script and of the beautiful, poignant music, takes
place somewhere in the neglected South of the United States, the area known by
the locals as Bathtub. This is a place forgotten by God and the people, where
only social outcasts chose to live, but against all odds, they live happily.
The inhabitants of Bathtub are left all alone, once they have been
deemed useless to the system, and they have somehow fell into a loop, about
which no-one warned. The children of this godforsaken land have no compulsory
education, instead they receive crucial lessons on how to survive and defend
themselves, once being left out the others and the “known.” The adults are trying
to make a living with what they have, engaging in gathering and fishing, but
most of all, in harmless drinking and talking. They have no worries as such, so
far there always was enough for basic needs and a bottle of stronger liquor.
They all live in haphazardly piled houses, with no running water, with
occasional access to electricity, no TV, computer, phone, permanent mess and
For a viewer, watching this odd microcosm, it is difficult even in
principle, to precisely determine the time in which the action is happening.
The handful of material possessions of the main heroes does not help in solving
this mystery. But even without the arguable
gains of the present times, the main protagonists are alive and seemingly well.
But at one
point this horrible time comes, which verifies everything they experienced and
knew about each other. There are dark, literal clouds gathering over Bathtub
and the world of its inhabitants is about to fall into pieces. On the site,
which lies on the flood plains, there should not be any people, not to mention
homesteads, but there is nowhere else to go.
It is a
matter of time when catastrophic downpours and tornadoes appear on the grim
horizon, and with them - the utter destruction of this tiny community, which never
had the need nor the means to construct levees. Against the background of this frugal
globally, but crucial locally - tragedy unfolds another family tragedy. The father
of the main character Hushpuppy - Wink gets seriously ill, and soon enough,
especially in these conditions of life, might die, leaving his small daughter
quite alone in the world. Given the amount of adversity, surely the least
complicated way would be to break down and just give up. Zeitlin does not
choose simple solutions however, and makes his characters fight to the end, no
matter what. This is not an easy fight, because the beasts of this world, the
demons of the past, haunt the little girl - the good spirit of the future. She
is the sole climax of the story, thanks to her charisma, humor, and courage to
face the unseen and undiscovered.
Zeitlin’s story is watched like the best action films, dramas, fantasy
and adventure, all in one. Perhaps that's the whole secret. "Beasts of the
Southern Wild" is a film telling a story of a community untouched by the
modern life filled with stress and pursuit of money, with constant hurrying.
This is a picture of passing an optimistic message, but not naive. It addresses
important topics without pomposity, without particular claims, without settling
matters once and for all. A simple story, but it remains in the minds and
hearts long after the lights are on at the cinema. Here, away from the glitz
and glitter of Hollywood and the almost manic pursuit of box office takings,
Zeitlin’s story is extremely rich in themes and motifs, yet subtle and visually
wonderful. This young director managed to juggle cinema genres, and with
finesse and imagination worthy of the greatest visionaries. While doing so, he
did not lose anything from the clarity of communication and
multi-dimensionality of the story, which already proves his craftsmanship and
allows looking forward to the next film of this fiendishly capable rookie.

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